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How can I speed up a sow laptop that has a lot of installations on it without buying anything?

How can I speed up a sow laptop that has a lot of installations on it without buying anything?


You have one problem. Your hubby is an alcoholic. He percieves you as nagging. But, what he is doing is dangerous. How would he percieve things if you slept in another room? The best that could happen for you is to go to ALANON. Check the phone book for a listing. Right now you are playing withfire. Litterally!!!!!!
Throw a big glass of water on him, each and every time he falls asleep with a cigarette. I'm not joking.
Tell him that it's filthy and rude and that you demand a little bit of respect for your property.
He's not using a bit of common sense especially when a family member actually died from the same thing he's doing. On top of it all, he's drunk when he does that which just makes it all the more dangerous. He so easily could fall asleep set the place on fire! I'd plainly tell him NO MORE smoking in bed, especially when he's drinking! That's just asking for trouble. I agree with the person who posted to throw water on him when he does this. So he gets mad, at least you'll know there won't be any fires! You are so in the rite in this case he's the one who is so totally wrong. Keep a glass of water near the bed just in case you need it. He should get the message tell him you're taking NO chances. You sure don't want to wake up with your bed ablaze of fire. This IS serious tough he gets mad, you have every rite to bebest to you:)
I think for your first class just go along in some less hip hoppy clothes (like a fitted t shirt and the baggy pants). See what everyone else wears to that class first. Generally the real hip hop sort of clothing you see in music clips and so on are costumes. In classes, people don't generally wear those sorts of clothes. See what everyone else wears first before you go out and make any big purchases. In hip hop class they do repeat movements learnt. If you have missed out on half the years work, you should be able to catch it up. But classes repeat movements so that you can really get the technique and style of it. Remember, practise makes perfect. Theres no pointe learning a move one week, just to never do it again. Often hip hop classes are more about combinations. These are strings of steps put together. If it hard for the teacher to just teach steps sometimes, as hip hop is alot about strings of these steps. Have fun on your first class and dont be scared!

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