Ok, so my hair is both curly and wavy, long, and thick and i dont like it natural it looks weird. I want to have it waved pretty for this summer!(: I want it sorta to look like this
it means in that for each GRAM of resin there is the capacity to bind 1.3 mmole of something on to it to make peptides. So for 1 mole you would need 769 grams of resin. wang resin 0.5 g at 1.1 mmol/g would have the capacity to make 0.65 mmol of peptide in maximum yield.
Well, Desmond apparently can see the future now *if you saw last weeks show remember his conversation w/ Hurley.* He knew Claire and the baby were in danger from the roof collapsing and rigged the 5 iron lightning rod to prove to Charlie and her he knew what he was talking about