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How can neutron stars have a magnetic field?

I‘ve read that the neutron stars have incredibly strong magnetic fields due to their intense density, temperature, and rotation speed. But how can something completely made up of neutrons, which have a neutral charge, radiate anything even resembling magnetism?


Neutrons are made up of quarks, which carry electric charge. The internal motion of the quarks, and their spin, generate a magnetic field.
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a typical neutron famous person is the dimensions of a small city, basically 10 Kilometers in diameter besides the incontrovertible fact that it might desire to have the mass of as many as 3 suns. this is particularly dense. One spoonful of neutron famous person fabric on the earth might weigh as much as each and all the automobiles on the earth prepare. some neutron stars spin very today and characteristic very good magnetic fields. If the magnetic poles are no longer lined up with the massive call's rotation axis then the magnetic field spins around very rapid. Charged debris can get caught up interior the magnetic fields and beem away radiation like a lighthouse lamp. this form of neutron famous person is termed a pulsar. Pulsars are detected via their today repeating radio indicators beemed at Earth from those charged debris trapped interior the magnetic field. Neutron Stars are the tip factor of a great famous person's lifestyles. while a very massive famous person runs out of nuclear gas in its middle the middle starts to break down below gravity. while the middle collapses the entire famous person collapses. the exterior of the massive call falls down till it hits the now particularly dense middle. It then bounces off the middle and blows aside in a supernova. All that continues to be is the collapsed middle, a Neutron famous person or from time to time a Black hollow, if the massive call grew to become into particularly massive.
Good question. Neutron stars are not completely made up of neutrons---they have a crust of reglar matter, mostly iron, a couple meters thick. Even the neutron material is impure and somewhat conductive and can support a magnetic field.

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