im trying to make a cosmetic product for eyeshadow and was wondering if you could make it so when you wipe off your face with or soap or something that the glitter would just dissolve?
Very difficult to get glitter to dissolve without using extremely corrosive solventsGlitter is a mixture of various copolymers and aluminium foil, onto which various metal salts are coated so that they reflect light in various coloursAs you can imagine, actually dissolving a plastic is something that is only really possible at elevated temepratures (greater than 120°C), and dissolving metals requires an acidI would suggest a better solution would be to allow the glitter itself to remain intact, but to use a carrier system that can easily be washed off, thereby taking the glitter with itFor example, if you were to disperse the glitter into a light colourless gel then the gel could be wiped off the face with simple soap and water, and the glitter would wash off with the gel.