I dont know if the cabinets are to large width wise... so I might need to trim the tile?
Use a hand-held grinder with a 4 blade and wear safety goggles!!!
Cutting the tiles that are already set is difficult to do and messy. Making a clean strait cut that will butt up to the cabinets is tough to do. If you slip and score the tops of the tiles you won't be able to fix them. You might want to try and build up the floor behind the cabinets to the height of the tiles and put the cabinets on top. That will probably be the easiest way. Any color tile will work since they will be behind the cabinets and unnoticed. I would go to Lowe's or Home Depot and buy a box of returned tiles (much cheaper that way) and a pail of Thinset. You can apply the thinset to each tile individually and use a 4' level to make sure the height is good.