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How come i can kickflip on grass but not on cement?

How come i can kickflip on grass but not on cement?


The grass keeps the board from moving because the wheels are stuck in the grass because the grass gets stuck under the wheel causing it not to move.On cement the board moves and it is harder to do when the board moves.
You might not be commited enough. When I was learning varials I had them nailed on grass. But I wussed out once I did them on cement. Once you commit and do it one time. You WILL land the next.
Mostly it's because you're not confident. You have to have the guts to just find a crack in the sidewalk, and put one edge of the skateboard there to stay still. Then, just think of it like the grass and do it! Keep on trying is something, and in skateboarding, I would say the saying, No pain, No gain. actually really makes sense :] Good luck!
DO NOT do anything that would prevent the blocks from moving. They expand and contract constantly, so if you prevent movement, they will crack and it would look even worse. DO NOT use caulking, or cement. That just makes the sidewalk blocks crack, then the problem comes right back. Try some boiling water. Make sure that you do so on a hot day so that the blocks don't crack. For a temperairy job, if you have a Weed-whiper/Weed-hacker, then just use that to do it. Iff the sidewalk blocks are evenly spaced apart with at least 0.5cm of space, then that would work. If the sidewalk blocks are tight against eachother, the only way that I see fit is to get on your hands and knees and start scrubing that dirt away. It takes a lot of work, but the results are great! Then, if you can find an edger [A machine that makes a small-ish gap between the sidewalk and grass] just take back the grass so that no dirt gets back for a long while. Doing it by hand, is better because you get more of a gap, then the time will be greater before you have to do it again.
It's easier to land a trick on carpet or grass than on cement because your board stays in one place. I suggest maybe holding onto something like a car or pole while you kickflip on cement. Don't be afriad to do the trick, just try it. To become a good skater you have to try to not have a fear of falling. So practice and you'll get it. Good luck!

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