My friend is staying in a house basement until she gets her apartment fixed, but I'm concerned about the boilers down there. Are they dangerous? Because I know they have been trying to fix a problem in them too so I'm worried they might blow up. Can they even blow up? I don't really know much about it or their safety. Help?
All boilers approved for installation in a home have safety valves that are designed to prevent them from blowing up, or even building enough pressure to blow up. These safety valves will open and allow pressure to escape slowly if ever the pressure, or temperature gets too high due to a malfunction. It is rare for household boilers to blow up; they are very safe, or they would not be allowed to be in tens of millions of homes around the world. If you are concerned about the safety of your boiler system, contact a heating contractor for a safety check. It can be a bit expensive, 100.00 and up, so plan on that expense first. You can also call your fuel supplier, (gas company). They will check it for you, sometimes for free. Sleep well; both of you. Sweet dreams.
boilers,,plaenty dangerous gotta be cleaned with soilex or it ll burst boiler balte bronson had his nose cut from a flying steam plate und it scortched!