How do different materials affect the rate of evaporation?I was given this problem for a sceince project but not sure how to do it. I was gonna like put aluminum foil, cling wrap etc. on boilin water in a pot and see how long it took the water to evaporate. Please help )
By different materials I’m thinking that you should be considering a range of textiles. So the experiment becomes “Is there a difference in the wicking ability of different kinds of cloth?” My first thought would be to take bottles filled with the same amounts of water, stick pieces of different cloths (polyester, nylon, cotton, wool, etc) into the water, and see which one pulls the water out fastest. I’d want to use the same amount of cloth: you can decide if that means the same weight or the same area- might make a difference, don’t you agree? You can probably figure out some variations on the theme that will make it even more special to your teacher, like seeing if the temperature changes anything, or if putting food coloring into the water and using white cloth helps show the speed of wicking: things like that separate the winners from the merely participating. Good luck, and all the best to you!
The first answerer is right. But consider that 0 is the only purely imaginary number that is also purely real, sitting on both axes of the complex plane
addctive inverse always has to be a positive awnser. {-4} 4
additive inverse is the number you have to add or subtract for the result to be zero. In general the additive inverse of X is -X being X any number. 3 +(-3) 0 11 + (-11) 0 42 + (-42) 0 -9 +(9) 0 you could set up an equation thus: 3 + x 0; isolate x on one side then x -3
you will never be able to keep them in place with the water boiling. The steam will build up pressure and blow off any covering. Rate of evaporation, to me, does not include boiling, it just means letting the water sit and seeing how long it takes to evaporate. however, water covered with plastic wrap will take months or years to evaporate. Foil, almost as long. .