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How do I get curly brackets to fill several lines in Microsoft Word?

I need to get my curly brackets *{ and }* to enclose several lines. I really don't want to put in texts boxes if I don't have to, because I know there has to be another way to do this.


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Use excel and then paste the text into a word document.
In Word 2007 Choose the Insert Ribbon Then shapes and draw using the left brace. In 2003 choose View Toolbars and Drawing and use the same bracket. To get the same sized brakets again. Select the graphic you have drawn. Choose Alt F3 and give the bracket a name then thye in the name and press F3 when ever you require the symbol. If you are not happy with exact size and position you can draw a table with merged cells spanning the multiple row of your paragraph but this is probably to elaborate for your needs.

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