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How do i install flat wire speaker cables?

I want to connect one of my rear sony speakers along the baseboard to my receiver. The specs say that the wire comes with 4 terminal blocks, with 4 connections on each terminal. My question is what will connect to what? Will the speaker attach the the flat wire cable that will attach to the original speaker cable which will connect to the receiver? It will be much appreciated.


it relatively is least puzzling to run the cord only alongside the perimeters of the room decrease than the carpet. only %. up one section at a time from the tack stripping with pliers. confirm the cord isn't on the tack stripping. Press the carpet returned onto the stripping whilst a piece is finished. in case you may bypass a doorway that has a seam you are able to tape the cord to an unraveled coat hanger and bypass it decrease than the carpet. be careful to no longer bunch up the padding and watch your knuckles on the tack stripping. Worst case state of affairs you are able to cut back and re-seam that beginning.
You will end up using a combination of regular speaker wire and the flat wire. Run the flat wire along the baseboard. The ends of the flat wire should go as close to the receiver and speakers as it will reach. Attach the terminal blocks to the flat wire. Connect the receiver's right and left rear speaker outputs to the terminal block at the receiver end of the flat cable using two short lengths of two conductor speaker wire. Then do the same thing at the speaker end of the flat wire. Since the flat wire cannot connect directly to the receiver or speakers, you need to use regular speaker wire to connect the flat wire to the equipment at each end. Since the flat wire is four conductors, it can carry both the right and left rear speaker signal at the same time.
The flat wire is what you run under carpets, along baseboards, etc. The four wires allow you to run a pair of speaker wires (two sets of two) from your receiver to the general location where the speakers will be. The terminal blocks allow you to run regular speaker wires from the receiver to the flat wire. The terminal block at the other end then lets you run speaker wire from a terminal block at the other end of the flat wire to the pair of speakers that wire feeds. It doesn't matter which wire goes to which speaker, as long as you wire it up correctly. That is, you can have the first terminal be the + wire for the first speaker, the second the - wire for that speaker, and the third and fourth wires being the + and - wires for the second speaker.

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