How do i make a silencer for my Gamo bigcat 1200?
The processes behind natural selection are far too complex and, more to the point, far too time-intensive, to be carried out in a laboratoryYour question is provocative, in that you know exactly how false its logic isAnd evolution is not the result of random chanceThe people who told you so lied to youIf you are seriously interested in answering your questions about evolution and filling these gaps in your knowledge - which I doubt - you would read a proper book on the subject instead of hoping to get anything useful from the spontaneous soundbite-sized nuggets you get from strangers around the world hereI recommend The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, which apart from anything else is an excellent readDo not expect him to support your idea of creation However, if you are not genuinely interested in answering these questions you will not look further than your own prejudices, probably thinking how clever you are for confounding us fools who actually think there is some truth in the theoryThat is up to you(Oh, and don't forget to get a proper idea in your mind of what theory means.)
If that is the case then you don't understand what human isHuman is not a component of biology as biology component just a temporary house for human to show their existence in this dimensionHuman body is the same as animal as far as biological is concern therefore you could see animal behavior in some human bodyThrough human body you could see clearly the works of EVIL and the works of GodCould your parent and family and friends see you should you don't have body? What we call a human body without human soul in it? Human is a soul not a bodyTherefore we are talking about RELIGIOUS and SPIRITUAL so that we could keep CREATE PEOPLE through the tradisional way of animalDo you get it?
If something happened at random it means it was one out of an infinite number of possibilitiesTo reproduce it would therefor require an systematic study of all relevant factors that could be worked out in retrospect, which to determine through research would take an amount of time not infinite but extremely large.
Sell it and buy the Gamo Whisper air rifleIt has built in silencer that presumably won't get you thrown into Guantanamo.