i need to cement some blocks in my my garden any help
if you are laying a few blocks , you want mortar , not cement...buy a bag of type s mortar and mix it 3 to one...it usually takes about 8 shovels of sand to a half bag , which is about all you will want to mix at one time in a wheel barrow...mix with a hoe and add your water slowly so you dont flood it...
Just use the same unit size for each part, like 1 shovel cement and 3 shovel sand, or 1 bucket cement and 3 buckets sand, that's all. you just need to be close.
The simple way would be to buy mason mix and all you got to ad is water. My understanding is you already got sand, now you need type c cement and water. use your wheelbarrow to mix your mortar in and use on every 4 shovels of sand one shovel of cement. take a rake or a hoe to mix both ingredients well while they are still dry, now ad some water not too much and mix it some more, repeat adding water until you get a pudding like paste. Check with your trowel the mixture and make sure will stick to it if you turn it upside down. If it is runny and won't stick mix an additional shovel of cement into your mix. If you ad by mistake to much water simply ad sand to the mix . Your goal is to make it stick to your trowel than it is good to better your bricks or blocks.