My son sprayed 50 SPF sunscreen on the front of our washer and dryer I have tried everything and nothing seems to take it off. It just leaves a haze on the clear plastic. Any suggestions?
Well there are a few things known to work on sunscreen. One of them is makeup remover you could try rubbing it around the window with paper towels or one of the Mr. Clean's magic erasers. I dont know if you have ever heard of goo-gone, but it is meant to remove sticky, greasy or just about and substance and should work for the sunscreen, it can be found in the cleaning section at lots of grocery stores. I was thinking even nail polish remover? I dont know if you have tried a very small amount of that on it. Good Luck with this project though!
Try vinegar and water...It should do the trick.
hi ..i would try hand cleaner like mechanics use. just rub it on and leave it for a half hour, then wash off with soap and water. i use this for all kinds of stains. u can buy it at canadian tire or walmart. good luck.