I think my water pump is leaking and I want to replace it, but I can't figure out how to get the pulleys off. There is a large nut on the shaft that the pulleys are on, and I can't figure out how to remove it, or if the nut is attached to the shaft, and the entire shaft is supposed to come out, or how it's set up. Please help. Pictures would be great if possible. Thanks!
With the belts ON - take a big wrench ( 12 crescent or ) and place it on the large nut holding the fan on. Carefully smack it counter clockwise, (lefty loosey) until it comes loose, The threads for it are on the pulley. remove the 4 or 5 bolts holding the pulley, ( a vice grip on the large threads will hold the pulley to help remove the pulley bolts. Remove the water pump. Clean the gasket mating area GOOD - when you think you have it clean - clean it again - You do NOT want to find it leaking when you are finished. Some prefer RTV silicone sealant -- I prefer permatex #2 non-hardening. Tighten all the bolts only slightly before the two final torque's are completed - do not forget to tighten in proper sequence similar to installing a wheel, (bolt 1 - 3 - 2 - 4), so as not to cause undue stress on one side or part of the new pump.
The nut that holds the fan on the water pump must be turned clockwise to loosen it,if you do not have a wrench that will fit in there you can use along screw driver and hammer locate the tip of the screw driver on the edge of the nut and hit the other side of the screw driver with the hammer one or two blows should do it,and then spin the fan and see if the nut turnes.If this does not work you need to get the proper wrench.I have done both but i had to buy the wrench from Snap On and another tool to hold the water pump bolts.
take bolts and nuts off of fan and take off , might have to pry because of rust , corrosion . then take bolts out of the water pump , once all bolts are out , tap with rubber hammer or pry by hand, pump will separate , because of close quarters with radiator be careful not to damage radiator by accidentally hitting it
you take that big nut off, and if the pulley does not come off, you have to find a puller and pull it off the water pump, becaue more than likely the NEW water pump you need will not have a pully. Do yourself a favor, and buy a brand new water pump, it will last the life time of the car, and you will not have as many issues which may happen if you buy a cheap pump if you have never done a water pump,I suggest buying a repair manual, this will have a step by step guide that will make the job much easier on you and the truck