my husband does not like the smell of dryer sheets, so i would like to know how to prevent static electricity in my clothes dryer, i get shocked when i take the clothes out of the dryer
It sounds like the resin fillings you have are quite lrge. This material is more porous than the amalgam filling allowing for more sensativity. It is a good idea to go back to the dentist and let him check to see if your bite is off a little. He might even suggest you use a flouride rinse to help with the sensaitvity.
If you want to save tons of money and super happy piggies then build a CC cage. If you want a not so happy guinea pig and pay close to or over a hundred dollars for a too small cage then go buy one from the pet store. Even the big pet store cages aren't big enough. In my experience guinea pigs are much happier with larger spaces found in cc cages, plus you can make them fit into specific spaces in your home!