How do u turn water off 2 a fire hydrant?
Put your Mom in that car on that same patch of ice and the same thing will happen. When you hit ice let off the gas, do NOT hit the brakes and do NOT turn the wheel or you will slide. The ONLY way to get across ice is to go straight and coast. Either that or put chains on the tires.
DUDE WEED IS SOOOO ****** BAD, U TARD, DONT SMOKE WEED, LOVE JESUS AND GOD, THEY ARE MY DRUG, weed KILLS U its more cancerous than straight up brain tumors, if u smoke weed, u prolly gunna die from lung cancer, and be half brain dead, u'll never amount to anything. weed is totally ******* bad, but cigarettes, alcohol, and morphine are fine
Animation and the ad was been written and art directed by Anna Goodyear and Elaine Jones at CST. /viewNews/