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How do vacuums cleaners work?

How do they suck up the dirt? I have always wondered this. How does a vacuum work?


The industrial vacuum cleaner has developed over the years into a sophisticated piece of cleaning equipment for a variety of applications. The principle of the vacuum cleaner is the same across the range, in that a pump creates a partial vacuum within the machine to pick up the dirt. Having said that, the range of machines is vast with machines capable of dealing with hazardous or explosive dust in difficult environments, and machines with complex filtration systems.
If you are serious, most work with a motor driven high velocity low volume air mover. Air is sucked through a collection reservoir of some sort, Air is admitted to the reservoir. Yes, they can make ones that are less likely to get clogged, but they must be larger, and have larger motors, reservoirs, and hoses, but those are less suitable for general purpose household or commercial cleaning due to the size of the machine and their power requirements. They are made big for industrial dust/debris collection in factories, and vacuum material collection trucks.

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