I'm putting suspended ceiling in my basement (using Armstrong tiles). Unfortunately, on one of the walls, the level of the ceiling has to be above the top level of the wall framing (it's a long story involving a structural beam, some heating vents and a window), so there are no studs behind the drywall where I need to attach the wall molding. Would molly bolts or something like that be able to support the weight of the suspended ceiling, should I try to cut some wood to fit and block in behind the drywall, or is there something else that I should do?
A coarse thread drywall screw would work, but then you would have to counter-sink each screw and go back and putty over each screw before you paint your molding or it would look horrible. Rent an air compressor and a finish nailler. It will shoot the finish nails into the metal studs. (just make sure that you use 16 gauge not 18... they would just bend ). It will make the job quick and easy too. It will be well worth the cost of renting if you don't want to buy one.
Suspended Ceiling Wall Angle
The wall trim only holds the weight of 1/2 of the outermost tile. So, there is not much weight to support. I've successfully attached the wall tile to stucco'ed concrete walls using liquid nails adhesive. I used a couple nails and scrap boards leaning against the wall to hold the angle in place until the glue set. The t-strips are suspended from the ceiling. Since you have drywall, tack the angle in place with enough nails to hold it while the glue sets. Rather than liquid nails, I'd use something white (like RTV) so you don't have to repaint the glue that shows. Also, the RTV will fill in the gap where joint compound makes the wall not flat.
Just cut a pc. of wood and hold it behind the drywall while you run a drywall screw through the wall mold/drywall and into the wood block. Install the longest pc. of wood you can fit up and in behind the drywall. If you glue it on you will probably get the glue all over you, the wall mold and the drywall + do you really want to be waiting for that glue to dry. Keep your hand out of the way of the screw. You can predrill the holes in the wall mold so your drywall screws will go right in the hole and into the drywall and wood block. If you need any advice on installing the grid ceiling just ask. Some helpful hints can make your job easier. I would need the room dimensions and also are you installing 2'x4' tile or 2'x2' tile? There are some nice looking 2'x2' tiles that are flexible. The 2'x2' tiles are a little easier to install if you have close clearance above the grid work. Good Luck