Using ordinary household cleaners.
Windex I think. a.k.a. Glass cleaner. Don't quote me on that though!
try barkeeps friend in the household cleaning section it is a scouring powder you will be amazed
any of the commerical over the counter products or try a mix of 50 prcent vinegar and 50 percent water
Are you trying to clean the aluminum or the glass or both? And, what are you trying to remove? If it is water spots, i.e. mineral deposits on the glass or aluminum I would try CLR. Failing that, on the glass only, I would try Amway Chrome and Glass. It takes some elbow grease but it will do a beautiful job. If the aluminum is the issue don't use any abrasives. The material is anodized. Removal of that finish will allow corrosion to start and you will really have a mess. If it is already corroded, try mineral spirits and 0000 steel wool. After you have the corrosion cleaned put something on it to protect the metal. Clear lacquer is one thing that could work but you really should protect it with something as it will just keep corroding if you don't. Good luck, I hope this helps.