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How do you clean cat hair out of carpet?

I have 5 cats, and try to vacuum as much as possible. Unfortunately, a lot of hair ends up getting packed pretty well into the carpet. Any tips as to how to get it out? It doesn't come out with a vacuum. Help!


Most likely a lightning rod with a ground cable running down to the earth.
I currently have 5 turtles. They are not that uncommon, but they're the strangest things I've ever owned. When I first got them, I thought they would be so much fun and I would play with them all the time. But that was not the case. They don't do anything and absolutely hate being picked up, They eat loads and poop all the time. Plus, they always get sick and need a huge tank. I definitely regret getting them and I do not reccomend them. Hope this helped (:
Lightning rod only

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