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How do you clean the scotch tape on the plastic?

How do you clean the scotch tape on the plastic?


After a wet rag pour gasoline or loose perfume can be wiped off, a piece of cloth wet then pour some gasoline or loose perfume can also scrub transparent plastic adhesive tape, because they are chemical substances on the inside, when cleaning plastic transparent tape adhesive very quickly, but not on their hands.
Either ethyl alcohol or ethyl acetate can be used. Use alcohol or ethyl acetate can be scrubbed transparent plastic adhesive tape, but this method may not use Fengyoujing well.
You can use essential balm, alcohol effect is not very good. You have a good removal method in tape adhered on the surface of the item layer. But wind does not smell, very volatile, non-toxic, clean. No damage to the transparent plastic surface. Especially the mall to buy plastic products, self-adhesive stickers torn off, leaving a layer of glue film layer of hate sticky in plastic boxes and other goods surface, not easy to go out, wind can help.

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