I'm about to cook a frozen Tony's Pepperoni Pizza that I bought at Albertson's but the only problem is I don't have a cookie sheet or anything like that! All I have is foilI heard that you can still cook it on foil in the ovenIf so, how do I do it and is there any changes I have to make as far as time and temperature go compared to what the box said? Please reply soon, I'm hungry haha
Neither side is non-stick unless you specifically buy foil marked nonstickThen usually it's the underside as you unroll it.
There is no differenceSpray a little bit of vegetable spray on the foil, to eliminate sticking.
You can certainly cook your pizza on the aluminum foil be it in the oven or on the grillThe cooking time will be about the same as if it were placed directly on the rack in the oven, just not as messyTry doing the same on the grill, it adds a super smokey taste to your pizza and makes sure you have a crispy (not burnt) crustHope your pizza turns out greatI am worried I might have to go warm up some coals nowHave a blast and don't be afraid to experimentWorst case you have topping and cheese without the crust if you screw upYou will learn and become comfortable with time, temp and when the pizza is done.
both do but i must admit that parchment paper works way better! no matter what recipe! you use either side of that too just so you knowhope this helps! :0)
the dull side is the one you wantthey also make non stick alumninum foil that says which side is which.