How do you deal with scratches on black plastic bumpers?
For the next step to stop grinding fine wax (excluding silicon), dispose of crude wax traces, then recovery agent disposal to reach perfection and mirror luster, wipe out the aura and disposal agent wipe marks, sheet metal paint is one of the technical content and high request process maintenance project.
Finish: paint is divided into single layer paint and multi layer paint, is the color of the fixed layer and decorative maintenance layerSheet metal paint: paint finish paint disposal disposal is the last procedure, the paint dries the disposal of the above defects, best efforts will shed a sector is not very satisfactory, as long as it is late for, called mirror disposal. Using 1200-2000 to stop grinding sandpaper beauty leveling (it is necessary to use 2500), then the crude wax composition composition of pumice or clay stop grinding cut, dispose of sanding mark,
In primer: work ready to a good lubrication for the finish of the last step to complete all primer work, increase in layer adhesion and have the effect of isolation, in order to ensure the quality of finish chaos.
Primer: sand marks and micropore filling the bottom of the workpiece, increase the lower paint adhesion, also with defect indication.