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How do you defend against a bone crusher handshake?

I'm tempted to give a knee to the crotch, but I usually just pull away and say


you cannot know when you're gonna get one of these... but when you reach for a handshake: put your fingers together and tighten your hand and lock your fingers in a semi curl (pulling your fingers in a backwards arch) until the hand shake ((vise) is released, and as the others hand pulls back, grab their fingers, and squeeze the crap out of their fingers. works every time! i swear....
go to a guitar store and buy a hand strengthening tool designed for bass players. use it 6 times a day every day. soon you will never again encounter someone with a stronger handshake than you.
crucial thing is to know he's a bone crusher ahead of time, prior to the handshake spit in your hand(s) then will do speaking of which, dudes back in high school never shook hands with me when they found out
I gotta go with poster Judith on this one. Nothing replaces good old fashioned communication in my book because it gets everything out on the table which is why I believe we have mouths in the first place. IF you already know this powerhouse handshake is coming, and the person reaches out their hand, simply tell the person you do not like shaking their hand because their handshake is too powerful and is quite painful; a verbal greeting is sufficient. You might be surprised what good old fashioned saying the truth, without dressing it up, can do.
I'm a girl, so I just jump back and shout Owwww!!! What the HELL!?!?

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