I have a 13/16-16 threaded male pipe I would like to extend. In order to get a good fit with the biggest interior diameter, what ID pipe should I pick?Is 13/16(.8125) the point of the hills or valleys of the threads? Would a 13/16 ID pipe work, or should I get something slightly less?
dogs pick up on our behavior be calm, sit next to your dog with a firm hand on him so he knows that you are in charge and everything is ok the loud sound may actually be painful for him, so don't ignore him my dog freaks out at the smoke detector and also thunder storms except she jumps on your head when you are asleep that will wake you up really fast!
possible results may include 1 or more of the following 1) you might blow a tire 2) u might ruin ur suspension 3) if ur car is low to the ground u might destroy your front end 4)spin out and loose control 5)get whiplash 6)go over the bump with no real damage to anythingwith minimal airtime is this what you were looking for, for an answer
probably so, b/c he'll have to sign something permitting them to use him on television. Great show, BTW!