How do you explain A in butterfly valve D37A1?
Represents a seal or lining material symbol.Said sealing ring or lining material with the Chinese phonetic alphabet: B Babbitts D nitrided steel, acid resistant stainless steel H, J L Aluminum Alloy, hard rubber, nylon NL, P leather, SA PTFE, SC PVC, SD bakelite, T copper, TC enamel, X rubber, Y hard alloy
Represents a seal or lining material symbol.Said sealing ring or lining material with the Chinese phonetic alphabet: B Babbitts D nitrided steel, acid resistant stainless steel H, J L Aluminum Alloy, hard rubber, nylon NL, P leather, SA PTFE, SC PVC, SD bakelite, T copper, TC enamel, X rubber, Y hard alloy
Represents a seal or lining material symbol.Said sealing ring or lining material with the Chinese phonetic alphabet: B Babbitts D nitrided steel, acid resistant stainless steel H, J L Aluminum Alloy, hard rubber, nylon NL, P leather, SA PTFE, SC PVC, SD bakelite, T copper, TC enamel, X rubber, Y hard alloy