How do you fit two men into one fire suit ?
Are1999 .jp/eng/list/209/0/1 .jp/jp/search/auc?p%A5%AC%A5%EC%A1%BC%A5%B8+%A5%AD%A5%C3%A5%C8auccat0alocale0jpaccjp
Negate basically means the effect of the affected card is negated or in other words it has no effect. Destroy and negate are two totally different terms. If your opponent activates a Spell card, you can negate AND destroy it with Spell Shield Type-8 (choosing the appropriate effect of course).
It leaves you wide open to a wrongful termination suit if you write it that way. Instead, cite poor attitude or work ethic (surely you aren't firing this person because they're overwhelmingly good at their job?). It is legal to terminate an employee for any reason, or no reason at all, but it's smarter to be careful about what you commit to paper. Edit: Oh man, it would be a good idea to take that into a lawyer's office and see what he can do for you.