Latex paint peeling over the oil base paint.
usually you want to stick with the same kinds of paints when re painting. but i like latex better myself. but what you want to do it scrap, peel off the area that is peeling then put a couple coats of primer in the area, and you can also use a product called krud cutter, gloss off really good stuff. it will take the sheen off the oil base paint so that the latex will stick better. you can get it at your local hardware store. i get mine from sherwin williams. hope that works for you, good luck
Latex paint wont 'stick' to an oil base, and it doesn't much matter whether you take the 'shine' off first. It's the old adage: Oil and Water don't mix! Sand the wood with medium sandpaper, and wipe dust off with slightly damp cloth. Use a good primer - you'll have to compare them at B&Q. I used Bulls Eye 1,2,3 when I lived in the UK, but it wasn't readily available. I had to get it by mail from a paint supplier in Middlesborough. It's expensive, but worth every penny. You can use 1,2,3 on metal, and paint it whatever you want, etc. etc.