i broke my phone they only way i can fix it is if i know how to reconnect those really paper thin, tape like wires.
Are you talking about the ribbon cable? Did it actually break or just come unplugged? If it broke you will need to buy a replacement.
The paper thin wires you describe is called a flex-circuit. For consumer electronics, sometimes the ends are just plated and plug into a connector. Look for a connector (probably black) that the flex-circuit would plug into. Otherwise, have it serviced.
Lady Rose's answer is absolutely useless in this case. like everyone says if it is the really thin wires they should just slide back in place. if its ur phone cable going from the phone to the wall, u can just buy a new one
If you are talking about an internal ribbon cable, it just slips into the socket evenly. Make sure about the right direction. If you are talking about the external phone line, itside it contains four wires. These can be spliced by color and taped up. Much better to replace the whole wire to the junction.
Here are some step: 1. Turn off the power to the broken electrical cable at the circuit breaker in the breaker box that controls the cable. Locate the cable break. If the sheathing is broken but the wires are intact with no damage to their plastic coatings, wrap electrical insulation tape several times around the outer sheathing to cover the damaged sheathing. Start wrapping the tape onto the cable 2 inches from one side of the damage, and continue wrapping until the tape covers the break and extends 2 inches on the other side of the damage. However, if the inner wires are damaged, the cable will have to be cut and a junction box installed. 2. Cut through the cable at the damage using cable cutters. Strip back the outer sheathing 3 inches on each side of the cut, using a utility knife. Strip back the plastic coating from the wire ends 1/2 inch, using wire strippers. Use a screwdriver to remove a knockout hole on each side of a 4-inch metal junction box, and screw a 3/4-inch cable clamp into each of the holes. Attach the box in position against a wall stud with 1 1/2-inch screws. Tighten each clamp by using the screwdriver to tighten the clamp nut on the inside of the box. 3Push each set of wires through the cable clamps so that the cable's outer sheathing rests in the clamps. Tighten the clamps to the cables' outer sheathing with the screwdriver. Place the ends of each set of wires together, color to color, and screw wire nuts onto each set of wires. Make sure all the bare wire ends are inside the nut, except for the ground wires, which aren't insulated. 4Push the wires into the box so that the wire nuts are spaced apart. Place the cover on the box and screw it in place. Turn on the power.