Furniture stores do mention if they use 100% leather or leather-match, however our particular sofa set mentions the following, finest leather combined with the best designed leather match. I don't really care even if it is leather match, it is important for the material to be long lasting. I hope its not vinyl or anything. How can I tell what material they use in leather match? and How can I tell if any real leather is used or not?
Ask at the furniture store. The manufacturers have to list the materials used in making them. Real leather sofas usually are Italian made. The better the leather, the higher the price.
Leather match is vinyl. The outside back and arms will be made of leather match and the contact areas will be leather. I doubt they would mix the 'finest' leather with leather match!!!! Leather cannot be sold as leather if it is not and there has been a call to ban the use of the word leather in conjunction with other terms like 'leather match' as it is designed to mislead the customer.
I have a friend who has a sofa with finest leather combined with the best designed leather match. The back and seat cushions along with the arm rests are all 100% leather. The entire rest of the couch body is the leather match, a fancy set of words for vinyl. Some of the synthetic leathers are a very close match to the real thing that most people can't even tell the difference. As weird as it sounds, the only way I can tell if leather is real, is to either look at the underside (hide) or smell it. You could always ask, point blank, to the furniture salesman, exactly which parts of this furniture is genuine leather? Good luck.