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How do you make a bong?

I have seen people use those home made bongs out of water bottles and was wondering how you make them? Thanks


they forgot to mention DENTAL FLOSS and empty coke cans so u can sleep peacefully knowing ur 'alarm' will go off if an animal or something comes up just lie the cans on the ground and tie to string thru them and to some trees.
can opener, salt and pepper, real first aid kit, small tent, matches, sleeping gear, your own pillow, books, marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate squares, your own favorite snacks for sharing, water bottle a hat, a compass, flashlight, toilet paper, a camp light, extra light blanket for sitting around after the sun goes down Bug spray sun screen, good walking shoes extra socks T shirts, jeans, cut offs swimming gear, long sleeved shirt and a good windbreaker IF you are female DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT go camping in bear country during your period, Bear attacks have been know to happen to women during their menses.
There is a couple ways but you need aluminum foilAnd something to poke tiny holes withyour lighter to burn a second hole somewhere near the bottom on the side of the bottleHeres where the aluminum comes in use the drinking hole or the hole you just made and fashion a bowl with the aluminum on that holeUse a tiny object like a paper clip or needle to poke holes in the foilYou can also make a smaller hole near the bowl to use as a carb.check out youtube I'm sure they have it.
Good hiking bootsClothing for all types of weather.chilly, hot, wet oking gear, food, games to play.cards etc.books to readTent, lantern, shower supplies, towels, flashlight, extra socks.
-clothes [nothing formal of course] -A flashlight with extra batteries -Insect repellent -Trash bags [not needed, but for those stupid litter bugs out there, you can maybe pick up some trash?] -Water and extra food is highly important -Bring the camera [ you never know what might happen.] -tent -boots or warm shoes -raincoat and swimsuit [not needed but for fun :)] -first aid kit [you never know.] -sun screen Have fun! .If your going?

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