How do you make armor on Runescape?
There is a lot of armor is Runescape that you could wear. Since you have so much money, you can buy different types. 3rd age is quite strong, and is really expensive and is weaker than barrows, but does not degrade. Dragon is a lot cheaper, and it looks really nice! Barrow armor is very strong but it degrades and turns unusable in 15 hours of combat, although you could fix it. Now the strongest armor in the game is a combination of statius armor (helm, platebody, platelegs) and the fully charged dragonfire shield. Although it is extremely strong, it degrades into dust after 1 hour of combat, if its not the corrupt version. The corrupt version lasts for 30 minutes of wielding. since you have so much money, could you add me (dafern)? I want to know your secret on money making. cuz almost a bil is tons of money!
To make armor, you need to raise your smithing level to the appropriate level to make the armor type you want. When you start Runescape, click on the tab with the different colored bars and click on the anvil to see the levels required to make certain items. Click on the words on the right to see specifics for the items of a certain metal. A bronze platebody, for example, requires level 18 smithing. It also requires 5 bars here, so in order to make it, you need 18 smithing levels, and 5 bronze bars. Bronze bars can be made by mining a copper and a tin ore, then smelting them in a furnace. This will make a single bar, and will also give you smithing experience. When you're finished and have all 5 bronze bars, buy or obtain a hammer, find an anvil, and use the bar on the anvil. You'll get a pop-up list with different things to make with your bars, as well as how many bars are needed for each item. In this case, you select to make a bronze platebody, and you'll use up the 5 bars to make one. Just refer to the smithing guide in the stats menu for level requirements, and hopefully you'll be able to make much more than armor.
depending on your SMITHING level u make different armor lvl 1 is bronze dagger once u get it higher u can make better armor like bronze chainbody and platemail and then higher u advance to iron than steel then mithril then adamant and then rune look at your smithing list to see what u can make u have to mine the ores and put it in a smelting thing to make bars and use a hammer and bars with an anvil