You need 5 of the type of Metal Bar to create one Platebody Example. 5 Bars 1 Platebody 10 Bars 2 Platebodys Full Load of Bars 5 Platebodys. Anyways, once you have atleast 5 Metal Bars, grab a Hammer and head to an Anvil. (Varrock Big Bank, just across the road) Use the bars on the Anvil, and choose what you want to make Note - Must have the right Smithing Level.
To make an iron platebody, you need to get 5 iron bars and a hammer. Next, go to an anvil and use one of the iron bars on the anvil. To make an steel platebody, do the same as the iron platebody except with steel bars. Hope this helps. :)
So you want to make platebodies? Its very easy. It all depends on your smithing level. Iron platebodies, I think is 30 something. Steel, you need 48 smithing. You need to mine the ore first. Iron, iron ore.Steel, 2 iron and one coal. Or you can buy the ore. Then you smelt the bars. Also, it depends on smithing level. Then, you buy a hammer at any general store. Last, you take it to an anvil and click. It will show a chart. Click on platebody. But you need the right amount of bars. You can do whatever you want now. Sell it, wair it, or high alch it. Hope you liked my advice!
You need 5 of the type of Metal Bar to create one Platebody Example. 5 Bars 1 Platebody 10 Bars 2 Platebodys Full Load of Bars 5 Platebodys. Anyways, once you have atleast 5 Metal Bars, grab a Hammer and head to an Anvil. (Varrock Big Bank, just across the road) Use the bars on the Anvil, and choose what you want to make Note - Must have the right Smithing Level.
To make an iron platebody, you need to get 5 iron bars and a hammer. Next, go to an anvil and use one of the iron bars on the anvil. To make an steel platebody, do the same as the iron platebody except with steel bars. Hope this helps. :)
So you want to make platebodies? Its very easy. It all depends on your smithing level. Iron platebodies, I think is 30 something. Steel, you need 48 smithing. You need to mine the ore first. Iron, iron ore.Steel, 2 iron and one coal. Or you can buy the ore. Then you smelt the bars. Also, it depends on smithing level. Then, you buy a hammer at any general store. Last, you take it to an anvil and click. It will show a chart. Click on platebody. But you need the right amount of bars. You can do whatever you want now. Sell it, wair it, or high alch it. Hope you liked my advice!