How do you solve the screw sloshing of the straight line of the shaft?
Stepper motor is the default step 1.8 ° Angle, 360/1.8 = 200 pulse, so the default is 200 pulses a stepping motor, but in some institutions require high precision, 1.8 ° doesn't fit, so there will be a drive the segment above Settings, such as the drive with a 1000 (or 5) segmentation, is 5 times Angle reduces is 1.8/5 = 0.36, every step is refers to the motor rotation Angle is 0.36 °. That's a five fold increase in accuracy. And current, the stepper motor has A rated current, such as A click of the rated current of 4 A, if you are in the drive selected above is 2.25 A, then the strength of the motor can't reach the moment of it, but you set it to 5 A, while the strength, fever also become bigger, but relative to the motor current this setting needs to set up according to actual situation.
Low load low speed setting small current, while high load revs require large current. There's no mathematical formula that is set by the actual situation, right
Modern segmentation of the principle of stepping motor is the same in different in different value of current, torque direction changing make their synthesis, thus in the original "whole steps" is divided into several stages, between such as ten step by step. The first step is to minimize or even completely avoid the wobble of the step motor, while also getting a smaller step. The current changes in each phase are generally sinusoidal. The sine of several phases is uniform. It took a lot of effort to realize the fact that the sinusoidal changes in the phase of the phase transition were achieved through more complex circuits and software. There are now many specialized integrated circuits, but they are basically Japanese, American and German. To is not expensive. It's very convenient. So, a lot of modern step motors are driven by segmentation.