My car alarm keeps going off. I know no one is trying to get in it.I sat there and watched it go off on its own. But it keeps going off. I‘ll push the button on the clicker to shut it off then 20 minutes or so later it goes off again. The other night I did this for about 3 hours then decided just to leave the thing unlocked. I replaced the batteries in the clickers, and it did it again. Can anyone help please???
Your sensitivity setting may be set too high. Take it to the installer and have them set it lower. If your alarm is set on a very high sensitivity, things like thunder, wind, squirrels, leaves, passing cars, fireworks and motorcycles are going to set it off.
rip the unit out and be done with the problem. After market Alarm systems for the most part are junk
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I hope it's not a factory Honda alarm, I had so many problems with mine that it much simpler to have it replaced with an aftermarket one. I had taken it in, to have it reset but nothing worked and the neighbors were getting mad. If it is an aftermarket unit have it's sensitivity recalibrated and if that don't work just have it removed. I had my factory alarm removed for $25. If you want to have a new one put in, it usually costs about $150 to $200, depending on the unit you want and the market you are in. Best of Luck !!!