you noe that little dirt bunnies looking things
it stands for AFFF Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam or AFFF AKR's Free Form Framework AFFF Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
That is the signal that the battery needs to be replaced.
If there's any malfunction to a fire alarm it's probably best to replace it as you never know how it may actually react in a fire.
Most probably his manager makes him. Image is everything in marketing.
Be a firefighter we constantly get calls to homes with the same issue. First of all- is your detector 10 years old or more? They do wear out and we recommend replacing them after 10 years. When was the last time you changed your battery? It is recommended twice a year- we tell people when you set your clock forward or back is a good reminder to change the battery. If neither of those two options are the source, remove the smoke detector, open it up and make sure there are no spider webs or as another person said- any spiders. Give the detector a vacuum with a bristle attachment and replace. If this doesn't work then head to the hardware store and pick up a new one- they do malfunction or breakdown before there lifespan on occasion. Hope this helps.