hello!I'm designing a floor cleaner and for a water release system i was thinking of using a ball valve, connected to an actuator,however i'm not fully sure what to look for, and although I can buy the actuator and ball valve together, I'm not sure how to connect it to a motor and battery?If anyone can help my with this I'd really appreciate it!!Thank You!!
An actuator for a ball valve can use either compressed air or an eectric power source to drive a motor. Air actuated valves can operate very quickly and are a little cheaper but they require a compressed air source and pneumatic controls to operate. An electric operator uses a geared motor to operate the valve and are slower. Electric operators are more expensive but only require power and some switches to operate. See link for hook up details.... The motor is built into the actuator so its just a matter of mating the actuator up with the valve. It would be best to buy a complete unit with the actuator and valve already attached. These will cost at a minimum several hundred dollars. Using a ball valve may not operate fast enough nor give you fine control if your considering using it to control the cleaning fluid applied to the floor. Instead consider using a solenoid valve instead. These are smaller valves and operate very quickly by just adding or removing power. Not to mention these are much cheaper $25 to $100 on average.
it is going to be to long of an answere to bypass by, yet you have a often closed valve and a often open valve. So while air is provided, one opens and the different closes. you may artwork something out with that based how your set up is going to be. it rather is the solenoids i'm talking approximately.