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How does natural stone produce radiation?

How does natural stone produce radiation?


Natural stone damage slightly smaller, artificial stone because of business benefits, will add some other harmful substances, so at the time of purchase is also ready to work, to avoid buying high radiation marble building materials.According to the radioactive level of natural stone, the natural stone products are divided into three categories: A, B, C.A class a product can be used in any situation, including office and family rooms;Class B product radioactivity level higher than Class A, can not be used in the interior of the room, can be used for all other buildings in the interior and exterior decoration;C class product radioactivity level is higher than A, B two kinds, can only be used for building exterior decoration.More than C standard control value of natural stone, can only be used for the seawall, piers and stone and other purposes.
1, body radiation. A radioactive substance, radon and its daughters, that is derived from the decay of radioactive radiation in the air. Into the human respiratory system caused by radiation damage, induced lung cancer. In addition, radon also has a high affinity for body fat, thus affecting the nervous system, make people depressed, be sleepy straws.2, external radiation. Mainly refers to the radiator directly irradiating human in natural stone material to produce a biological effect, will cause damage on the human body's hematopoietic organs, nervous system, reproductive system and digestive system.
No matter is the radiation (including human), because the substance on earth is a radioactive isotope, such as oxygen, oxygen 16 is not radioactive, but natural that contains a certain amount (about one thousandth of the 18 (18) oxygen oxygen is radioactive), basically all the elements are so, you can not smoking?
1, due to heavy metals containing lead to radiation2, does not contain harmful gases3, not all stones have radiation, granite radiation is less than marble, stone on the market are radiation standards. (TV, computer radiation is much smaller)4, the composition of quartz is silica, oxygen and silicon elements are not radiation, which is the reason why granite radiation smaller than marble.

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