I am working in the jewelry industry and was wondering how this reaction is workingWe frequently clean tarnished silver with a bowl of water lined with aluminum foil, hot water, baking soda, a pinch of salt and a little dishwashing liquidI have a little chemistry in my background and figure it is an oxidation/reduction reactionI am curious to exactly what happens and how it is workingAlso, are there any other effective methods for cleaning tarnished silver jewelry?
The tarnish is actually Ag2S, Silver SulphideThe baking soda, salt act as electrolytes and the silver and the aluminium foil act as electrodesA cell is set up where the Ag+ ions are reduced and Al is oxidisedThus Ag is cleaned.
I don't use sandwich bags I use hefty trash bags, they fit better.
HEFTY HEFTY HEFTY Isn'twimpy wimpy wimpy Peace.
any ten of them crazy glued together should work quit nicely.