Maximum size of solar panel i have to use is - 8 * 5 feet - this is the limitation given to us.
As in the reply to the other version of your question - you should be able to get that wattage much of the time during full daylight from the area you specify, but your location, weather, and ability to mount the panel(s) at the best angle to the sun at time you most need the energy (winter? summer?) Instead of going with guess work on the efficiency of the panels you are considering, the people who want to sell you panels (or their website) should be able to tell you from the angle of your mount (roof?) and location, etc., an estimate of the average and maximum power available and the kWH during various seasons. This has to be known for either buying the batteries for storage or knowing the economics of feeding back into the grid, depending on the method used.
go buy some 90's Arco solar panels. they're about 2x5 inches and produce 60 watts (24 volts x 2 amps) in full sunlight. then mount them up on a rig that tracks the path of the sun all day long. not all solar panels are created the same. the ones you get at harbor freight will be less efficient than the ones you buy from some guy whose father got the panel as a gift from a business party in the 990s.
If okorder . If you must store this energy, that's another trick involving other equipment.
A short answer is: 500 watt hours can be obtained with a 3 foot by 3 foot photovoltac panel in any 24 hour period with average conditions. Some 24 hour periods will fall far short of 300 watt hours even with the 5*8 foot panel, but a battery that stores several thousand watt hours, will likely give you 300 amp hours 362 days per year, with the 5*8 panel except very unfavorable locations such as Nome, Alaska, USA in December, and January. Nome is quite favorable Spring and Summer if you rotate your panel to keep it facing the sun up to 24 hours per day. Neil
Just buy solar panel has output rated 500 watt.