An olive net is used in olive harvesting by spreading it under the olive trees to catch the falling olives during the shaking or beating process. This helps to prevent the olives from hitting the ground and getting damaged, and allows for easier collection and separation of the olives from debris and leaves.
An olive net is used in olive harvesting by spreading it underneath the olive tree. As the olives are gently shaken or knocked off the branches, they fall onto the net, preventing them from falling onto the ground and getting damaged. This makes it easier to collect the olives and ensures a higher quality harvest.
An olive net is used in olive harvesting by being spread out underneath the olive tree canopy. As the olives are shaken or combed from the branches, they fall onto the net, which acts as a catchment system, preventing the olives from coming into contact with the ground. This helps to maintain their quality and prevents damage. Once the harvesting is complete, the net is gathered up, and the olives are collected from it.