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How is the US any different from the USSR and North Korea now that we've reelected communism?

Should we hoist our hammers and sickles like good sheeple?


Your words illustrate your lack of understanding of what communism is and how it works.Do yourself a favor and write down your interpretation of communism,and then find a dictionary and compare your definition to that of the dictionary and you will find your comments are incorrect.
It's quite a bit different. However if you don't think so I suggest you move to a different country. You will have a hard time finding one because the US is the least socialized of all countries in the free world.
IN fifty years you won`t recognize the United States. Communism has seeped through the fabric and has stained America.
You should stop thinking in stereotypes and start to analyze what a situation is really like. None of what you're writing here is accurate.
The difference is that store shelves are full, not perpetually empty, everyone has enough to eat, even to the point of epidemic obesity, and you don't have to spend all day in line in order to buy a loaf of bread, the police and judicial system must abide by the Constitution and the bill of rights, we have a reliable electric grid, there are no concentration camps within our borders, our president likes to play golf but he is not hailed as the world's greatest golfer, like Kim Jong IL was, must I go on? I am sad that Obama was re-elected but this kind of question does not advance our cause.

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