how many bags of cement will i need for a12x12 patio?
For best installment, 12x12x4 inch. is 1.78 yards You'll need 81-80lb bags
40.5 - 80lb bags will pour 1 cubic yard. 12 x 12 x .33 = 47.52/27 = 1.76 cubic yards That would be a 12x12 slab poured 4 inches thick would be 1.76 cubic yards so it would take 70.4- 80lb bags of concrete.
With all due respect NO grout at this point will hold up, and very likely answer number one has that notion? The issue is that Unless the pavers/slabs happen to be on an already solid surface, IE: a poured concrete base,,,they are subject to FLEX. I install and remediate thousands of sq. ft. of tile, very often those in a similar situation to what you describe, with grout constantly cracking, crumbling, and chipping out. Even the dry mix will at some point get WET, and set up, as though you mixed and poured it, but it won't remain solid in the paver joints forever. The better solution might be to remove the pavers, pour a slab and reset them. Steven Wolf
You will be better off calling a cement mixing company and ordering a delivery. You will not be able to mix up the cement quickly enough to pour it and level it. Also, if you are asking this question, it sounds like you have never done this before. Make sure you frame up the patio and secure the frame-work well. The cement can push a poor frame out. Also, use some re-bar or at the very least some metal fencing to hold everything together laterally inside the concrete. A 12x12 should have a stress joint and a brush finish. A trowl finish will be too slick when it gets wet.