I am thinking of real estate as a career and i just wanted to know how hard it is and how many hours do you normally work a week i know its not easy because no job is easy, but i just want a job thats not To stressful and were i can have at least a good amount of time off of work. I think i have the potential of being in the real estate business because i am hard driven and i can work hard when i need to i just wanted to see how much time i will have to myself and all that. Thank You!! :)
So what is the point of asking the question, when the question wasn't even answered, if Real Estate Agents' don't know the amount of hours they work, then they are in bigger trouble then most people when it comes to evaluating what they are actually earning. It seems as bad as asking a politician what they are going to do about global warming, because Real Estate Agents', do not list approx hours, it seems to me that they are vague and vague people are liars.
Being a successful real estate has taken approx 20 hours a day.. 140 hours a week. That is the honest to god truth. The comments about being fired for getting a hair cut are true. Working through a transaction and having it fall apart to end up with sometimes months worth of work and no pay.. True.. It is by far the most stressfull thing I have ever done. It has changed who I am. Just wondering.. did you get into real estate?!!
This Site Might Help You. RE: How many hours a week does a real estate agent work? I am thinking of real estate as a career and i just wanted to know how hard it is and how many hours do you normally work a week i know its not easy because no job is easy, but i just want a job thats not To stressful and were i can have at least a good amount of time off of work. I think i have...
By your statement about time off this is not the career for you. Weekends are not a time off this is the very time that real estate agents are working the most. You will never have any time off as long as you are working with people and being successful. If you are lucky then you might get a Thanksgiving and Christmas, but that depends on if you have clients that don't celebrate those holidays. Stress- Forget it this is stressful in that if you have walked a client through to the closing phase of a real estate transaction and for some reason they default and don't go through with the transaction. Some (A few) have legitimate reasons where as others (A lot)don't because the wife looked at the kitchen once again and now it no longer please her. Stress- When after you have found a house for someone, now it is time for them to sign the sales contract now will not return your phone calls. Stress- When you ask if there are other things you should know about the person purchasing a home. They tell you no only to find out that they have several alias as well as owe back taxes. Then these same individuals will take you to court to get back their deposit, which you get none whatsoever. Being a real estate agent is a people to people career. If you are not good with people, have problems relating to people with insecurities about purchasing probably the biggest investment of their live time, then perhaps you should look into another career field. These are just a few of the things that go on in the day of a real estate agent. I have yet to mention the professional people that you would be depending on to assist you in your daily work to make sure everything goes well. I hope that this has been of some benefit to you, good luck. FIGHT ON