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How many kilos should Alaska sled dogs reach in 3 months and 4 months?

How many kilos should Alaska sled dogs reach in 3 months and 4 months?


Three months have more than 20 jin, to fourth months can reach thirty JinThis stage of the dog can be fed directly to dry dog food, do not feed other things.Alaska sled dogs (scientific name: Alaskan Malamute), also called Alaska dog, is one of the oldest polar sled dogs, a horse called Miao tribe. It takes its name from the Eskimo innuit. The tribe lives on a shore in Western Alaska called Kozeb (Kotzebue).
Alaska sled dogs are strong, powerful, muscular and deep in the chest. When they stand, head upright, eyes alert, curious, give people the feeling is full of vitality and very proud. The head is wide and the ears triangular. Keep upright when you are alert. The muzzle is large and the width is closed from the root to the tip of the nose. The muzzle does not appear long and prominent, nor does it appear short and coarse. Coat densely covered with bristles and sufficient length to protect the undercoat from soft undercoat. Alaska sled dogs come in many different colors, such as gray, black and white, and red brown.
Before Alaska became part of the American territory, the area was called Alashak or Alyeska, translated as "vast land", which was given by the Russians who discovered the region. The dog, unlike other dogs in Alaska, is strong, muscular and muscular, trained for stamina rather than speed, so its primary use is to pull sleds. [1] adult Alaska dog has a quiet, elegant disposition and is very loyal to its owners.

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