We live in a 1300 square feet house and we have 2 smoke alarms (one in one of the 3 bedrooms and one in the hallway) and am getting a heat detector connected to our security system in our kitchen, should we have anymore, we had a smoke alarm for the security system but discovered it was defective after a somewhat small fire. I think we have two spots for interconnected smoke alarm, when we first moved in 10 years ago we had a very old wired smoke alarm in the hallway but has been replaced twice and now its just a battery operated one installed in the same spot. our house was built in july 1982.
Well first you would need to find out if the cost of installing speed bumps would be passed on to the residents (ie) rental prices would increase upon renewing next leasePeople normally dont like to sign petitions for things that will increase their rent
Well I have two children and the best thing that I can tell you is try to have everything set up and where you want it. Because after the baby is born you will want to be able to break while the baby is napping. Always have diapers, wipes and all the necesities that you can think of. Most Doctors give you some of the formula that they put the baby on to last you till you can send someone to the store. You can have bottles ready unless you are breastfeeding, but if you do purchase bottles do not buy alot at first because my child needed a weird shaped nipple one. Like I said get plenty of rest and try and have everything set up before the baby arrives. I hope this helps you!!