The tube is horizontalHow much bend in inches?
Assuming you load the end cut profile evenly, your deflection is about 2 / 10,000ths of an inchWhat actually deflects is the top and bottom web; the side walls hardly movePS - If this is for homework, you will get the problem wrong if you supply this answerYour prof will want you to use a bending equation per Shigley, or equivalentThis is the difference between going to school and getting a book learnin', versus being in industry and knowing how this stuff really works and being able to visualize it and analyze it properly.
NO! Don't do it! The wax on the paper will melt and ruin your pieIt's best to wait to make the pie until you get parchment paperIt will make it easier to get outBut wax paper will make it a complete mess and inedible
Forget paper, either parchment or waxedJust rub some oil on the foil, wrap the garlic heads in there and put it in the ovenWaxed paper, by the way, is usually safe in the oven to line cake tins, etcThe wax doesn't melt onto your food or catch on fire.
Parchment Paper can be used to line cookie sheets for baking cookiesWax Paper should not be used for lining cookie sheets for baking cookiesWax paper cannot take the heat of the oven and will smoke Both wax paper and parchment paper can be used for lining cake pans for baking cakesBecause the cake batter completely covers the wax paper, the wax paper will not smokeThat being said, if I understand your question correctly, you are placing the pie dough in the pie pan, then putting the paper on top of the formed crust, and then putting the weights on top of the paperI definitely would not use wax paper for that! It would be a fire hazzardIt would take a lot less time to go to the store and buy some parchment paper than it would to contend with the disaster of setting your oven (or house) on fire.
NopeWax paper does not belong in the ovenIf you're making a pie shell, just forego the paper lining and put the weights on itRemember to poke holes in the crust so it can vent, and to make sure the crust is stuck tight to the top of the pan so it doesn't fall all to pieces (bad personal experience there!) Parchment paper can be used in the oven, generally up to 400 degrees, but wax paper cannot because the wax will melt, the paper will likely catch fire, etcOf course, if you cook with parchment paper at even a slightly higher temperature than it's supposed to be at, it can singe as well(Another personal experience in the kitchen.)