how many bags of cement will i have to buy if i wanted to fill a 5 gallon bucket?i am going to fill it half full, put a friend of mines' Christmas present into it, and then cover the rest.I worked in concrete for two years so i know how to set it all up, but we generally dealt with trucks of concrete, not how many bags? or how many pounds?
Enough to fill your bucket.
1 bag of 80 lb. concrete will do.
Hard to say. Just one 12' long 2x4 in a 5 gal bucket of cement should be rock steady, but hang a banner big enough to catch the wind between the tops of two like that and the whole thing could tip over fairly easily depending on the wind and the size of the banner.
A five gallon bucket can hold .45 cubic feet of concrete when mixed with water. In other words, one 60 pound bag of pre-mix or an equivalent Portland Cement/rock and sand mix. At .45 cubic feet the bucket may overflow and/or be too deep to properly mix, but I do it all the time for difficult access pours of small quantities.
If you are going to use straight cement one 80 lb. bag, 2/3 of a cubic foot, will fill your five gallon bucket, with some left over because of the present. Five gallons is 2/3 of a cubic foot. If you are going to use a mix with aggregate and water a gallon of cement will be more than enough.