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How much copper pipe in a furnace?

I bought a new home that has a new furnace w/ the old one left here. I‘m trying to find out if it‘s worth scrapping the copper. How much copper is typically in a furnace? How much is it going for per pound? Thank you.


There isn't much copper at all in a furnace. Thermocouples have brass tubes but they don't amount to more than a few onces. The steel from the furnace is worth more than any other scrap metals and it might get you a couple bucks. Put it out with the trash and hope a scrap dealer is scouting the neighborhood.
None in a furnace, it,s all steel.
Furnace's heat air, Boilers heat water. If it's a boiler (most commonly mistaken for a furnace) Than you may have a copper hot water coil in it. Than yes It's worth taking it to the scrap metal yard, as long as you separate the copper and steel If it's a furnace, than there is very little copper in it. You will find it in just the motors.

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