I'm thinking about $200.00 for the week, if that. What do you think?
I work in a lab at the local hospital. We deal with a few dangerous chemicals: Ethyl Alcohol (ethanol), Isopropyl Alcohol (isopropynol) and Xylene are all very flammable and are supposed to be kept in a metal cabinet. Work done with Alcohols and Xylenes is to be done under a fume hood. Inspectors will periodically come by to measure the air flow for our hoods. Formalin and Formaldehyde are also dangerous. They are used to fix human tissue. You don't want to get any on your skin. There are always safety showers and eyewash stations in any room where these chemicals are used. I never see anyone check these in our lab. People who work in labs (especially in hospitals) have lots of work. Sometimes we 'cut corners' and overlook some safety considerations in order to get our jobs done. Everything is put in proper order only for inspections. That's the real world, sorry!
yeah its fine. Stand under cover though
Are your parents dumb? Yes lets stand outside with a big metal thing whike its thundering and lightening
Don't worry, your trombone is not a lightning rod! So long as there are other, taller things around, you should be safe (if a little wet). Don't play in an open field where you're the tallest thing around, and don't play on the roof, but in the backyard you should be fine - especially if you can find cover. Set up a tent or tarp so you won't get wet